News — Paris

How my love for the Lunéville embroidery technique started

Borduren Ecole Lesage Lunéville Borduurtechniek Paris

How my love for the Lunéville embroidery technique started

Until now I haven't really written a blog about the embroidery technique I use the most, I discovered. While I sit behind my frame almost every day and embroidery is my passion! So it was time for some more explanation. I'm talking about Lunéville embroidery and how my love for it came about...

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What I did in Paris part II

blog Danielle Balfoort Fried Freres Interior Maison et Objet Paris Ver au soie Yarns

What I did in Paris part II

What I did in Paris part II Remember my previous blog about Paris? There was so much content that I decided to write another blog (yessss) and share our visit to Maison et Objet and give you interesting addresses for embroidery materials… First time Maison et Objet tradeshow One of the major events on interior and design and on my list to go too. Main reason for us to visit was to meet designers and companies and to see if this is a good place to show my work in future. Small mistake we made that we thought the event...

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